Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Health Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health - Term Paper Example The Dermatology department of our hospital handles patients with skin problems like dermatitis, pediculosis, scabies, fungal infections, vulgaris and psoriasis including attending to individuals seeking reconstructions of some part of their body for aesthetic purposes. Recently, our most common diseases were melanoma of the skin. Our physician handles this type of skin problem by requesting for a biopsy and histological examination through our laboratory facility. Apart from this, plastic surgery and debridement as a result of burn is also done in our department where physicians may perform homograft, xenograft or isograft. However, patients have to undergo sensitivity test, allergy test and direct examination. Because of the presence of other cases of basal and squamous cell carcinomas, keratosis, Bowen’s diseases and dysplastic nevi, our laboratory also offers other services like electro surgery in the form of curettage and electrodessication, electro coagulation, cryosurger y and MOH’s surgery. With the psychological impact of melanoma surgery, patients are referred to our counseling specialty team to handle the psychosocial aspect of the illness. Cases of all types of cancer are handled in our Oncology department. With the great number of smokers, it is not surprising to have bronchogenic carcinoma as the most prominent case. However, liver, breast cancer, cervical cancers are also trailing behind. Bronchogenic carcinoma is being worked up by assessing first the physical symptoms to include dyspnea, dysphagia, cyanosis and hemoptysis by the physician. If there are suspicious findings, patients are advised to undergo radiological studies like chest x-ray, bronchography, angiography, brochoscopic and cytotoxic examination offered in our laboratory facility to confirm diagnosis (Billings & Stokes, 1987). Since the goal of therapy is to remove the cancerous area, the patient is referred to our surgery special team who will perform the operation nee ded. Service of our special team is also extended to other patients diagnosed of ulcers, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, myomas and the like. Our gastroenterology department is responsible for patients with gastrointestinal diseases in which ulcerative colitis is the most attended case followed with Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis, hemorrhoid and peptic ulcer. Ileostomy or proctocolectomy is the approach our physician employs for ulcerative colitis because it does not respond to medical therapy. Problems after surgery includes health maintenance thus our patient are directed to our nutrition special team who focuses on providing diet high in protein and calories to assure healing and growth. Other services offered by our specialty team includes prevention and management of fluid excess and deficits like those experienced by patients with nephritis, dehydration, diarrhea and burns. To have a more effective management, our laboratory facility work with them by providing baseline data on the patient’s BUN, electrolytes and HCT. Although our laboratory has a limited capacity, our x-ray machine was able to reveal changes of fluid status in one of the outpatient who happens to come for a chest x-ray procedure. Patients who present signs and symptoms of lung problems are brought to our pulmonary department. Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is notably on top of the list in this area

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Male And Female Gender Roles

Male And Female Gender Roles Throughout history, people who are born as men are granted access to power, position and resources (Masculinities). Cultural norms of gender roles are taught to children by their family, peer group, and community (Masculinities). Based on sufficient research, this review of literature will first focus on the historical facts about how womens status is undermined by inequality and persecution because they were deemed as inferior biological beings (Inferiority). Subsequently, the review will also answer the question of whether women in the present have successfully achieved their rights and gender roles in society completely. At a surface level, womens rights have largely been won (Gaag 146), because more women are working, more girls are being educated (Gaag 146). However, this paper will also investigate how women today continue to experience discriminations and inequality as more than half a million die unnecessarily each year from the complications of pregnancy and childbirth (Gaag 146). Lastly, the final part of this literature review will examine how women have broken free from the gender stereotypes to achieve power in terms of work and family and its effects on men and society (Marshall). A. Historical facts about the Male and Female roles Beyond the physical differences between men and women and their different reproductive functions are separate sets of socially-determined behavioral norms and performance standards attached to each gender (Thomas). However, during the era of Greek Philosopher Aristotle, Womens status was very low (inferiority). According to Aristotle, the primary function of women was to carrying on the family tree, and tending the family hearth (inferiority). The reproduction of children, especially sons (inferiority), was the main purpose of women, and all of the mens social activities were off-limits to her (inferiority). In Aristotles theory of genetics, he proposed that children were made by something he called the substance, which was found in women, and the form, which came from men (Genetics). According to his theory, Aristotle suggested that the form and the substance did not mix together but the form had a magical influence on the substance (Genetics) In other words, the man supplies the su bstance of a human being, and the women is only the nourishment (Inferiority). From Aristotles point of view, it is only men who are complete human beings and can hope for ultimate fulfillment; the best a women can hope for is to become a man (Inferiority) However, Aristotles teacher, Plato, thought differently about women (Plato). Plato believed that women had a significant role to play in society, and he thought women were necessary for society to run smoothly (Plato). According to Plato, even though he believed that females were required to function in a working society, he continue to hold the position that women were no where close to equal to men (Plato) On the other hand, Plato realized that men may have been stronger then women physically but women had strengths that were far superior in other areas (Plato) For example, he believed that women are naturally maternal and these maternal skills made them better care takers for children (Plato). Similarly to Aristotles radical vi ew on women, French military leader Napoleon Bonaparte thought, women were made for men, and men for country, family, glory, and honor (Napoleon). In the 1800s, the idea of female equality received a setback in a series of laws known as the Napoleonic Code (Napoleonic). According to the Napoleonic Code, married women in particular owed their husband obedience, and were forbidden from selling, giving, mortgaging or buying property (Napoleonic). As time progress from the Ancient Greeks to the early stages of the last century, men continued to be regarded as the persons in charge of their families (Thomas). According to census, males were considered to be the head of the household by family members, and the power within the household was completely dominated by the male figure (Thomas) and other family members were defined by their relationship to the household head (Thomas). According to experts, womens responsibility of bearing children continued until the early part of the last century (Thomas). In 1941, over 83% of 15 years old or over had birthed a child and one in five had given birth to six or more (Thomas). Womens fertility continued to be disregarded by the society, and their prominent roles (Thomas) of giving birth and raise children within a male-headed family (Thomas) was unchanged. B. Present womens success and failure at achieving the rights and power According to experts, womens rights, in theory at least, are well established (Gaag 11) and women themselves are more aware of their rights (Gaag 11). However, even though the matter of gender equality between male and females has firmly been placed on the global agenda, we cannot hide the fact that for millions of women life is still very grim (Gaag 11). Although women are having fewer children, that is 50 per cent of women now have access to modern contraceptives (Gaag 11), over half a million women continue to die each year from pregnancy and childbirth related causes (rights). Researcher found that accounted for 41 percent of all births nationwide between 1993 and 2006 (Pittman), there are 62 percent of pregnancy-related deaths (Pittman). Despite the international agreement on womens rights, the denial of womens basic human rights is persistent and widespread (Rights). Like mentioned above, becoming a mother is still a dangerous business (Gaag 26). On the economic scheme of things, during the 20th century, the proportion of married women working for pay increased more than tenfold from less than 5 percent in 1890 to more than 60 percent in 1990 (Mundy 33). The proportion of women ages 25 to 54 who are working or looking for work stands at 75 percent, up from 35 percent in 1950s (Muddy 38) Even though women have expanded their work hours, battled discrimination, and improved their credentials at precisely the time when the rewards for these are greater than ever (Muddy 38), Poverty rates are higher for women than men (Cawthorne). In 2007,13.8 percent of females were poor compared to 11.1 percent of men (Cawthorne). It was also proven by experts that women are poorer than men in all ethic groups (Cawthorne). According to collected data, the trend that men are wealthier than women is very apparent (Cawthorne). This again ties to the fact that, despite some progress in womens wages in the 1990s, women still earn less than men, even for similar kinds of work (rights). Lastly, there is no doubt that more girls are being educated the gap between boys and girls enrollments has narrowed (Gaag 11). Women have improved their credentials precisely the time when the economy craves their skills and schooling (Muddy 53). By becoming well educated, women have raised the chances that they will be employed, and they qualify for much better job than they could have expected 30 or 40 years ago (Muddy 51). According to experts, education is a key reason why womens earnings have risen and why in recent recessions, the unemployment rate for women has been lower than the rate for men (Muddy 51). Through womens persistency, women have improved their prospects more than they realize (Muddy 51). C. The drastic change in gender roles and its effects on both genders While the stereotype of the male breadwinner is still alive in many peoples minds, experts say the reality is that a growing number of women are earning as much, if not more than, their husbands (Linn). In a matter of decades, the traditional male breadwinner model has given way to one where women routinely support households and outearn the men they are married to (Muddy 5). Not that long ago, in 1970, percentage of wives who outearned their husbands was in the low single digits (Mundy 6). The dramatic increases of women earners have altered the way male and female see each other (Mundy 7). Ironically, experts estimate that there are currently about 2 million working women whose husbands are unemployed and looking for work (Linn). The effect of the gender roles shift is most apparent in the male than the female (Muddy 14). In journalism and feminist literature of the 1980s and 1990s (Muddy14), experts found that men tend to resist womens rising economic power, even retaliate against it (Muddy 14). Similarly, one of the other reactions of men towards womens earnings is that men can quit, give up and stop trying (Muddy 14). For all the arguments about women opting-out when they have children, todays mothers- particularly educated ones- are overwhelmingly likely to be employed (Muddy 38). The roles of men and women seems to have shifted, and the earning power of wives compared to husbands has risen, steadily and strongly (Muddy 39). On the other hand, the rate of participation in housework labor increased steadily for men, while the rate for women remained the same (Marshall). Among married men with children, the participation rate rose from 54% to 71%. Furthermore, while the presence of a wife lessened mens involvement in housework in 1986 (single men had a participation rate of 61%, and married men 53%), 2005 saw roughly 7 in 10 married men, both with and without children, participating in housework (Marshall). According to data on men and women rate of participation in housework, married men with children spending significantly more time on housework, and married women spending significantly less (Marshall). Whereas women, The number of hours worked has risen (Muddy 39), and women are much more likely to be working full-time, year-round, than they were 40 years ago (Muddy 39). Experts predict, in the coming years, many women will feel pleased being the familys high earner. They husband will like it too (Muddy 140). Series of surveys shown that, men and women are both less likely to say that men should earn the money and women should take care of the children in todays society (Muddy 63). According to the gradual shift in gender roles responsibilities, its safe to say that womens earning power and the vitality and success signals (Muddy 15), will lead to a genuine breakthrough in the relationship between the sexes (Muddy 15). Conclusion: In conclusion, women came a long way in achieving their rights and ideal roles in society. Based on historical facts about male and female roles, females are the majority of humanity but are everywhere victims of systematic discrimination, oppression and sexual abuse (Oppression). Through their tenacity, women thrived as powerful individuals and economically and socially bypass men. However, according to data, womens gains have been made under threat (Gaag 11), and many continued to suffer from unfavorable conditions such as poverty, childbirth complications, and workplace discrimination. Despite these persistent disadvantages of the female sex, within a generation, more households will be supported by women than by men (Muddy 78). A revolution is under way (Muddy 65).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Teens and Sex - Sexually Transmitted Diseases Essay -- Exploratory Ess

Sexually Transmitted Diseases   Ã‚  Ã‚   What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's)? How much do you know about STD's? Do you know how to protect yourself from STD's? The answer to these questions is that most people don't know, and if they do, it's very little. Sex has become a big issue in the 90's. Wherever a person looks, sex is advertised. What do you see when you turn on the television, daytime or night? Sex. What do you see when you go to the movies? Sex. In magazines? Sex. Even advertisements in the street revolve around sex. The one thing that is not emphasized is the dangers of sex. The danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. I'm sure that people know that AIDS is the most dangerous STD right now, but there are other diseases to watch out for. These other diseases which I will discuss, are bad and different in their own ways. When engaging in sex, every person should be educated about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases, how to prevent STD's, and how to get treatment if a pe rson has an STD.    Talking about sex may not be a comfortable subject for everyone, but people should. Sex is not a game. When it comes down to getting an STD, there is no joke behind it. People have to realize that they are not the only ones in danger, the people they have sex with are also in danger. There are a couple ways people can prevent themselves from STD's. The first way is by practicing abstinence (not having sex). I am not saying people have to practice abstinence, but it is one of the ways. A second way is by the use of condoms, but only when used correctly. In an article titled, "1993 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines" from the Journal of School Health, it lists some recommendations of... ...meone is infected or not. People need to know their partner well, and if someone has, or thinks they have an STD, they should go get checked right away. They will be doing themselves a favor, and others. There are a lot if STD's out there, some more dangerous that others, some deadly like AIDS, so people should learn about them before they are lying in a hospital bed, or better yet getting buried, or burying someone they love.    Bibliography 1.) , "1993 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines," Journal of School Health, 1994, p. 156 - 159. 2.) Brodman, Michael; Kranz, Rachel; and Thacker, John. Straight Talk About Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Facts on File, Inc., 1993, p. 1 - 48. 3.) Willis, Judith. "Preventing STD's," FDA Consumer, 1993, p. 33 - 35. (For the first article, there was no author stated so that's why it is blank)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Best Practices and Strategies Essay

Ex: functional, conglomerate, and divisional. For this list of practices we will use the divisional design. a. Divisional Design aka M form (the M stands for multidivisional): Is made up of separate, semi autonomous units or divisions and each division has its own goals to accomplish. 6) Culture: Refers to the set of values that helps its members understand what the organization stands for how it wants to accomplish what it wants to accomplish, and what it considers important. 7) Human Resource Strategy Implementation: Requires an understanding of undamental individual and interpersonal behavioral process. b. Individual Process: Psychological Contracts; Personality; Motivation; and Stress. c. Organizational system and Process: Understanding of the causes of stress, the process by which stress affects individuals can cope better with stress in organizational settings. d. Interpersonal Group Process: Group Behavior; Leadership; and Communication. Select one (1) the corporate strategies discussed in Chapter 4 and formulate a human resource strategy that will support the corporate strategy. Cost leadership strategy is one that focuses on minimizing the cost as much as possible. This strategy allows the firm to charge the lowest possible prices for its products, thereby presumably generating an overall level of revenue. A human resource strategy that will support this corporate strategy would be: a. Efficiency Ratio: keeping expenses low with earnings being high. b. Learning Curve: maintaining training and continues training of employee’s. c. Good Purchasing approach: acquiring goods or services to accomplish the goals of the firm. . Maintaining latest technology: helps maintain inventory control, which in return helps ensure products to customers. e. Strategic marketing mix to help ensure market leadership f. Superior customer service: series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction. Competitive or above average pay, employee advancement, and employee incentivizes. g. Product leadership: concept which describes delivering state of the art products in the market. Discuss the Fruit Guys business strategy. Identify three (3) other businesses that could use the five (5) questions the Fruit Guys used to determine effectiveness and identify three (3) businesses in which the business strategy would not work well. Provide a rationale for your answer. The business strategy that the Fruit Guys uses is the defender strategy. Defender strategy: works best when a business operates in an environment with relatively little uncertainty and risk and high degree of stability. The goal of the defender is to identify for itself a relatively narrow niche in the market and then to direct a limited set of products or services at he niche. After reviewing the website of the Fruit Guys, their niche is to provide fresh â€Å"healthy brain food† as the fruit guys refer to it as such to the premises of the workplace. As healthy foods to the office â€Å"can boost productivity, improve wellness and help companies improve their bottom line†. The Fruit Guys fills thousands of business of businesses in America with seasonal fresh fruit varying from small family businesses, to major Fortune 500 companies. With their customers sharing their idea on health, and the environment, this helps bring stability to the company, while their employees bring in pride, giving high productivity levels. The five questions that the Fruit Guys have based their strategy on is: I. Have we been respectful to the people we work with employees, coworkers, and customers? II. Have we been responsible to their needs? III. Have we been realistic with them about what we can or cannot do? IV. Can we take personal responsibility for the situation? V. Are we going to be remembered positively? Three companies that could use the five questions to work for their businesses are: a) Car Dealerships (especially Used Car dealerships) b) Construction Companies c) Cleaning Company Three Companies that would not benefit from the use of the five questions are: a) Jc Penny’s b) Walmart c) BJ’S Wholesale Club (ex: Costco) My reasoning behind my choices for the use of the five questions are these companies are more hand’s on with their companies, and actually rely on word of mouth business and repeat business. Without these referrals and repeat business these companies would have to rely a lot on marketing and advertising strategies. My reasoning behind my choices for these businesses that would not benefit from the five questions is because these companies are very well expanded. With many stores in many different locations of one state and through-out many states these companies do not rely on word of mouth or repeat business. As their marketing strategies, advertising strategies, and sales are what continuously brings in repeat customer, and new customers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Critical Legal Thinking Essay

A state doctrine is â€Å"a doctrine which states that judges of one country cannot question the validity of an act committed by another country within that other country’s borders. It is based on the principle that a country has absolute authority over what transpires within its own territory† (Cheeseman, 2013). In the case of Glen v. Club Mediteranee, S.A. this means that because the incident of Cuba’s expropriating the Glen’s beachfront property to Club Mediteranee, S. A. to build their facility and then not paying the Glen’s for the property cannot be brought to a U.S. court to be judged because the incident originated in Cuba and state doctrine states that another country cannot â€Å"question the validity of an act committed by another country† (Cheeseman, 2013, p. 543). The U.S.A. cannot just step in and tell Cuba that their standards and beliefs are wrong. Ethics No, the Cuban government and Club Mediteranee by ethical, societal, or U.S. standards act morally in the joint venture of building their facilities on the Glen’s beachfront property without establishing a contract or making payment to the Glen’s for their beachfront property. By our society standards and beliefs, in the U.S.A. this would be considered stealing. Although we might see this as immoral and illegal Cuba may not, because their country may have no compunction to take what is not theirs and use it as they see fit does not give another country the right to sit in judgment because each culture and civilization has their own ethical standards and we cannot place our standards on other countries because that would be unethical. Contemporary Business References Cheeseman, H. R. (2013). The Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce: Business Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Investment policy – OECD. (2014.). Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)

7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them) 7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them) 7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them) By Mark Nichol The sentence construction â€Å"(noun) (verb phrase) by (noun)† is known as passive voice or passive construction, because the true subject is relegated to the end of the sentence and is thus acted on, rather than acting, which often weakens the statement. The solution is simple: Give the focal point of the sentence its due â€Å"(noun) (verb) (noun),† and demote the false subject to the back of the line. Note that not every passive construction is evil sometimes what seems to be the false subject is worthy of prominence but a preponderance of passive constructions leads to a wearying read. 1. â€Å"There is a considerable range of expertise demonstrated by the spam senders.† The actors in this little drama are the spam spenders or, to be more active, the spam senders are the actors in this little drama. Direct them center stage, and send the weak â€Å"there is† opening packing to the provinces: â€Å"The spam senders demonstrate a considerable range of expertise.† 2. â€Å"It was determined by the committee that the report was inconclusive.† Again, the subject is weak and indeterminate. Two actors, the committee and the report, are vying for the lead role here, but committee is the bearer of the news about the report, and to place the report the head of the sentence would be to replace one passive sentence with another. Attend to the actors: â€Å"The committee determined that the report was inconclusive.† 3. â€Å"We were invited by our neighbors to attend their party.† We is stronger than it as a sentence opener, but â€Å"our neighbors† is stronger still: â€Å"Our neighbors invited us to attend their party.† 4. â€Å"Groups help participants realize that most of their problems and secrets are shared by others in the group.† This sentence starts off actively but then turns and bellies up in the middle; emphasizing â€Å"others in the group† over â€Å"most of their problems and secrets† makes the sentence more active: â€Å"Groups help participants realize that others in the group share most of their problems and secrets.† 5. â€Å"The proposed initiative will be bitterly opposed by abortion rights groups.† The content may be about the proposed initiative, but that doesn’t preclude given a sentence about it a more dynamic structure: â€Å"Abortion rights groups will bitterly oppose the proposed initiative.† 6. â€Å"Minor keys, modal movement, and arpeggios are shared by both musical traditions.† The writer is detailing key information at the head of this sentence, but starting off with the context is stronger: â€Å"Both musical traditions share minor keys, modal movement, and arpeggios.† 7. â€Å"In this way, the old religion was able to survive the onslaught of new ideas until the old gods were finally displaced by Christianity.† Remember when I wrote that not every passive voice should be targeted for reconstruction? This sentence is more active, but no more correct: â€Å"In this way, the old religion was able to survive the onslaught of new ideas until Christianity finally displaced the old gods.† Perhaps the newcomer, Christianity, should also come later in the sentence. Again, don’t indiscriminately exterminate passive construction at the expense of the writer’s voice or intent, but do exercise judicial revision to rejuvenate pallid prose. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using the Active Voice to Strengthen Your WritingTestimony vs. Testimonial

Monday, October 21, 2019

Creating Memorable Characters

Creating Memorable Characters On this episode, we discuss the challenging process of creating memorable characters when writing fiction. Some of the topics we discuss are:Digging deep into a character study – You do this by getting to know the characters personally, and by digging deep into a character study that considers every aspect of their being. These would be details of their personality, hopes and dreams, history, quirks or eccentricities, moral/ethical/religious beliefs, fears or phobias, political stance, hobbies, likes and dislikes, short- and long-term goals, and habits.Thinking about their physical characteristics – How do they walk? What kind of clothes do they wear? What is the tone of their voice? Is their hair colored? Do they wear jewelry, and if so, what kind? Do they have a unique mark, such as a tattoo or scar, and if so, how did they get it? Do they have laugh lines around their mouth? Is there a physical tic that they have when they get nervous, sad, annoyed, or mad?Knowing yo ur characters past – Its important to determine the details of your characters past, even if you dont plan to narrate much of it in the story.Knowing your characters motivation – Similar to a persons past, a persons present motivation is a large part of who they are and what makes them tick.Knowing your characters most intimate flaws, weaknesses and fears – All these tragically human characteristics allow your readers to connect with the character, perhaps because they have felt the same fears or have the same weaknesses.Be sure to subscribe to ServiceScapes YouTube channel for more great videos on writing, grammar and more.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Take These 6 Steps to Become a Travel Nurse -The JobNetwork

Take These 6 Steps to Become a Travel Nurse -The JobNetwork If you love the idea of supplying patients with quality medical assistance but aren’t crazy about working in the same environment every day, then you may want to consider becoming a travel nurse. Travel nurses work at temporary jobs in locations all over the country, usually for periods of a dozen weeks or so. Since being a travel nurse comes with its own particular set of challenges, you may need some extra direction when pursuing this particular career. Here are some tips that should help you achieve your goal of becoming a travel nurse.1. Become a registered nurse.To become a travel nurse, you must first become a nurse. That means you have to graduate high school or get your GED, complete an accredited nursing program at the college level, and pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). Some hospitals might also require a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), and if its relevant to your area of specialization, Basic Life Support (BLS) or Advanced Cardiac Life S upport (ACLS) certification. Before becoming a travel nurse, you also need a minimum of one year of specialized nursing experience. For travel nurses, those specializations include ER, PEDS, TELE, and Home Health. If ICU or OB is your area of specialization, you may need more than one year of experience.2. Consider your goals.In what kind of environment do you want to work? To where do you want to travel? You should consider such goals to pin down your ideal position since all travel-nursing agencies are different. You must also think the salary and benefits you expect to earn. Since moving around is involved in your work, such benefits as housing, travel stipends, and rental cars might be considerations along with more standard benefits such as medical and 401k packages. Make a list of your ideals so you know what to look for when viewing job listings and deciding where to apply.4. Compare agencies to find the one for you.Travel nurses get jobs through agencies, and all agencies ar e different. If you have specific goals, you will want to find an agency most in line with your particular ones. Consider these agency’s online ratings as well. A great online tool is BluePipes, which is like LinkedIn for healthcare professionals. If you know trustworthy travel nurses, perhaps they can refer you to a quality agency.5. Prepare your paperwork.There’s quite a bit of paperwork involved in securing a travel nurse position. An application, skills checklist, and clinical references will be included in your submission profile. Your nursing agency will provide you with these documents and expect you to complete them. However, if you use BluePipes to prepare your submission profile, you may not have to fill out a new one every time you visit a new agency. Also be sure to have all required licenses and certifications, as well as recently obtained medical records, in order.6. Establish a tax home.In order to qualify as a travel nurse with tax-free stipends, you wi ll have to establish and maintain a â€Å"tax home.† In order to qualify, you must work far enough away to have to stay overnight in a place other than your residence when working. You must fill out a form to qualify for tax-free stipends. The good news is that even if you fail to qualify for tax-free stipends, you can still work as a travel nurse.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sustainability Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainability Marketing - Essay Example While economic pressures govern organisational strategies, their social responsibilities have also assumed increased significance. Widespread focus and attention on the issues of corporate social responsibilities and sustainable growth aspects have shaped new governance policies and practices. Such perspectives define the role organisations can play in creating responsible economic, environmental and social well-being of the communities they impact or serve. Several studies and observations made in this context have sparked debates on whether the marketing practices today are suited to an age characterised by environmental deterioration, scarcity of resources, expanding population and growing income disparities. Recent frameworks in this context are shaping innovative marketing practices that are founded on the principles of sustainability. A number of research studies have focused on explaining and exploring the concepts of sustainable marketing. This paper provides a deeper insight into the observations and conclusions provided by these studies and how it has contributed to the evolution of the concept of sustainable marketing practices. ... ion on Environment and Development’s report sustainable development is defined as the â€Å"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs† (World Bank Group website, 2001). Sustainable development relates to the ability of the organisations to balance the social, economic and environmental objectives. While economic objectives refer to industrial growth, individual needs, community requirements, and services social objectives refer to community empowerment, social mobility, cultural preservation, and equality. These needs and objectives should balance the environmental needs that encompass biodiversity, natural resources, ecosystem, pollution free air and water (Vagasi, 2004). Sustainable marketing remains an ambiguous term considering the paucity of extensive research in this area. Chen et al. (2009) define sustainable marketing as â€Å"the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of c ustomer relationships in order that the objectives of the parties involved are met without compromising the ability of future generations to achieve their own objectives† (p88). The essence of this definition can be related to the principles of sustainable development that are being incorporated by organisations across all disciplines for improved social and ethical business practices. The whole concept of green marketing or sustainable marketing is based on the principle of respecting the environment and considering social benefits as a distinctive part of the goods or services being sold in the market (Kotler et al., 2010). The essence of sustainable marketing practices is visible in various stages of product development, modification of existing products, changes in the production process,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organisation and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisation and Management - Essay Example Now the imperative point to understand here is the fact that learning can not only be at the highest level, rather the knowledge management can even take place at the middle cadre and the special trainings help at doing their best as far as the lower level management is concerned. An organization which can learn can understand what are its responsibilities with regards to the society, the environment, its stakeholders and customers, its functions and different processes which have to be looked down up at with a legal and ethical perspective. This means that the organization emancipates its working methodologies in line with its already set values and moral principles. Moreover, it knows what are its obligations and compulsions towards all the above-mentioned. The organization is always willing and eager to learn from its mistakes, ready to bring in newer and fresh processes within its folds and always encouraging its stakeholders and employees to invest more money and time, respectively. Managing an organization is also an important function which comes under the learning principles. It has case studies and best case scenarios to look up to whenever there is a problem or trouble at hand and it knows who the right person is to contact whenever there is some discrepancy within the system. Add to that the organization tries to keep its contacts, no matter in which capacity they are, at a maximal point and always keeps on increasing so as to become a socially active player within the relevant industry. The management aspect also stems from the fact that its knowledge base is intact and knows what is required of it. This knowledge base has the role of continuously improving the systems and working methodologies. It also has the best available middle management employees who know the technical basis of running the organization and whose potential can largely benefit the sound workings of the company. Thus it is very

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, Ltd Essay

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group, Ltd - Essay Example The company has ventured into varied business, and it has more than two hundred conglomerates that operate across the globe. The company has about 50 thousand employees, and it receives approximately 20 billion dollars in annual sales. Many people admire the Virgin brand and Branson always believes that by treating employees effectively, they will become productive; thus attract customers who in turn would reward stakeholders. Branson believes that effective communication and teamwork competences will yield better results. He devotes himself towards motivating and rewarding employees as well listen actively to them in order to create organizational value. Branson employs a mixture of leadership styles in order to improve the organization value; thus achieving organizational goals effectively. First, Branson employs authentic leadership because he is genuine with his work. He is always ready to offer a solution in a genuine way to any employee who approaches him. Hellriegel and Slocum (2010, p. 291) argue that authentic leaders have the highest integrity and are always committed towards improving organization performance. Branson is one of the leaders who are committed towards constructing enduring organizations and  who are  genuine to the company core values. He develops his own leadership styles that are consistent with his personality. For instance, many organizations concentrate in designing innovative brands that meet the expectation of customers and they treat customers as the king in the market. However, Branson does opposite by treating employees first, and the customers follow later. This is because he believes that by motivating employees, they will work hard and become productive; thus meeting the expectations of customers. Therefore, Branson is an authentic leader because he holds on the beliefs he espouses; thus revealing ethical behaviors in business. This is essential because it will lead to successful organizational performance. Secondly, Br anson employs transactional leadership because he pays attention to his subordinates and he cooperates with them through agreements. Transactional leadership styles are among the valuable leadership management styles in an entity. This leadership style acknowledges leadership dynamics and recognizes leaders as being responsible for the actions of their subordinates (Hellriegel and Slocum (2010). In this case, leaders motivate employees through offering them bonuses as a way of motivating them to work hard. Branson focuses on teamwork performance, and he focuses on the supervision roles in an organization. This is essential because a transactional leader is a leader who is focused to keep things alike, but they are not ready to change anything in the future. This leader pays attention to employees or the followers in order to solve any problem that might arise. Branson employs transformational leadership model and this style is of significant benefit in the company. This is because t his leadership style emphasizes on unity and joint effort in creating organization change. Branson encourages employees to work together and introduces a new set of goals that can enable an organization to create change. Transformational style emphasizes on shared values and joint efforts towards increasing performance level (Hellriegel and Slocum 2010, p. 329). Branson works hard in order to solve the problem of each employee, and he always makes sure that he has the answer for every problem.

An article for the Australasian Journal of Early Childhood (AJEC) Assignment

An article for the Australasian Journal of Early Childhood (AJEC) - Assignment Example Teachers in these environments have the opportunity to use action research as a method of improving the interaction of students to the environment in the context of independent study. Figure 1: Children Engaging the Natural Environment in a Forest School (Cummings, 2010) Creating Quality Learning Environments Logan, Press, and Sumsion (2012) discuss the idea of discourses and gazes as ways of creating a discussion about policy and defining quality. Discourses involve the literature and communications in which the construction of human social interaction is framed and formed, taking from basic policy the cues on how to behave as prescribed by society. The gaze is a way in which to form philosophy through grouping different discourses together and seeing the world through a specific lens. The philosophies that are central to encouraging sustainability and environmental responsibility are enhanced through the use of discourses and gaze. ... st is that they have a strong sense of identity through feeling secure in their world and the second in that they learn how to effectively communicate. Forest schools use a constructivist approach to learning as they are concerned with the processes through which children will learn through constructing their own learning experiences. The three aspects used in the Forest Schools are: using the forest as a context for learning, using materials from the forest for learning, and the use of the five senses as well as building on their natural curiosity in order to construct learning (Cumming, 2010). The process of learning transforms into increased effectiveness of defining their sense of self within the context of identity and within the context of the world environment. Action Research The concept of action research as a means of self critique and transformation provides for creating new and better worlds as time passes. MacNaughton and Smith (2001) discuss action research in relations hip with post-modernism in which there is a pursuit of ‘truth’. Through techniques of action research, teachers are continually improving their influence in the classroom by using what they learn in their practice to transform their means of communication and influence. The truth becomes an organic form of learning in which discovery by students and teachers allow for constant improvement and change. Figure 2: Teachers in a Forest School (Forest Education Initiative, 2013) Action research can help to transform a number of different areas in practice, but in learning to create philosophies about the world and influence the socialization of children a professional is helping to shape the future through beliefs and traditions that can influence a lifetime. Literature from the Lady Gowrie

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What are the criteria Postgraduate students use to determine career Dissertation

What are the criteria Postgraduate students use to determine career choice - Dissertation Example y 3.6 Ethical Considerations 3.7 Research Limitations Chapter 4: Findings and Analysis 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Relative Importance of Factors 4.3 Impact of Internal Factors on the External Factors 4.4 Impact of Internal Factors 4.4.1 Impact of Family Factors Parental Influence Parental Guidance 4.4.2 Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors Cultural Factors Social and Gender Sterotypes 4.4.3 Impact of Emotional Factors Impact of Anxiety Levels Impact of Life View Self Concept and Identity 4.4.4 Impact of Self-Efficacy 4.4.5 Impact of Personal Interest 4.4. 6 Impact of Personality Factors 4.5 Impact of External Factors 4.5.1 Impact of Image of the Institute 4.5.2 Impact of Marketing Activities 4.5.3 Impact of Resources and Facities of the Institute 4.5.4 Impact of Culture Impact of Policies and Procedures Impact of Classroom Teaching Methods 4.5.5 Impact of Placement and Campus Recruitment 4.5.6 Impact of Financial Support 4 .5.7 Impact of Research Funding Available to the Institute 4.5.8 Impact of Location of the Institute Chapter 5: Conclusions 5.1 Summary of Research Findings 5.2 Limitations of Research Scope for Future Research List of Figures and Tables Figure 1: Parental Influence Figure 2: Impact of Parental Guidance Figure 3: Impact of Culture Figure 4: Impact of Socal and Gender Sterotypes Figure 5: Impact of Anxiety Levels Figure 6: Impact of Life View Figure 7: Awareness of Life’s Aims Figure 8: Ability to Gather the Information Figure 9: Ability to Analyse the Information Figure 10: Awareness of Interests and Aptitude Figure 11: Impact of Personality Factors Figure12: Impact of Image of Institute Figure 13: Impact of Marketing and Promotional Activities Figure 14: Impact of Resources and... The current research is aimed to assess the important factors which influence the postgraduate students in management to determine their career choices. The research was conducted among 40 management students who were selected in a random manner from the management course in X institute. The research was conducted using quantitative survey questionnaire that was sent and collected using emails. It was found that Promotional Activities of the Institute, Image of the Institute, Placements and Alumni record of the institute and Resources and Facilities of the Institute comprised of the most important factors that were used by the students to assess their career choices. In addition, internal factors like parental influence, awareness of life aims and interests, parental guidance and culture were found to be importance influencers in the career decision-makig process. The research also found that factors like image of the institute is greately influenced by parental guidance, parental in fluence and culture, and importance of placement record as a criteria of career choice is highly correlated with both family and personal interest and self-identity factors. The research analyses the findings with the aim of filling the gaps in the available research and providing further inspiration for future research in the same area.Higher Educational Institutes (HEI) are facing an increased competition in terms of getting governmental or private funding for research and also suffer from a dwindling application numbers from students

How have ideas of realism been conceptualized and put into practice by Essay

How have ideas of realism been conceptualized and put into practice by filmakers - Essay Example Not much thought is put on the location and angle of the cameras taking the shots but instead the filming is more or less left to run its course with the cameras just there to capture and take shots . At times which is mostly most of the time, the shots taken end up being not crispy or fine, but this is the intension since it encourages the audience a more involved mental participation since it allows them to explore and appreciate the full complexity and richness of the shots. Another important thing to note in realist films is the simplicity of its editing which is as much as possible kept to the minimal side this is because it is believed that too much editing influences the audiences interpretation in only one way since a lot of the choices and decisions tend to be made at the editing stage. Good examples of films which are more or less realist in style are documentaries. This is due to the fact that they showcase events that have occurred in the past and they tend to bring out these events in a manner that is understandable by the viewer with minimal if any manipulation in terms of the story line or the artistic part of the film. In this article we are majorly concerned with the Italian and British realism and how their ideas were used in filmmaking. First of all we can define Italia realism as a kind of organization that had a national impact in terms of the films they produced and told to its audience such that they were majorly concerned with what was happening in the society be it the poor and working class relationships, to their day to day life not forgetting the things that affected them as poverty, social injustice just but to name a few. In the British realism case it was more of a movement of rebellion rather that an organization whose main concern was to cut off completely the effects that foreign filmmakers like Hollywood was having on its filmmaking industry. To them it was a means to a cause where they envisioned a time where local concerned and styles would be addressed in filmmaking rather than the normal procedures and styles that the likes of Hollywood had brought out as the order of event. We shall take a look at the various characteristics and properties that entailed neorealism films with the issues such as on location filming instead of studio setups coming up, making of films in a documentary kind of style, use of social content when it came to writing film scripts among other issues like the use of non-professional actors. These are just but a few of the points that shall guide us in the analysis of the same. Also to take note is that in the Italian realism analysis we shall use our case study film as the Bicycle thieves film

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What are the criteria Postgraduate students use to determine career Dissertation

What are the criteria Postgraduate students use to determine career choice - Dissertation Example y 3.6 Ethical Considerations 3.7 Research Limitations Chapter 4: Findings and Analysis 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Relative Importance of Factors 4.3 Impact of Internal Factors on the External Factors 4.4 Impact of Internal Factors 4.4.1 Impact of Family Factors Parental Influence Parental Guidance 4.4.2 Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors Cultural Factors Social and Gender Sterotypes 4.4.3 Impact of Emotional Factors Impact of Anxiety Levels Impact of Life View Self Concept and Identity 4.4.4 Impact of Self-Efficacy 4.4.5 Impact of Personal Interest 4.4. 6 Impact of Personality Factors 4.5 Impact of External Factors 4.5.1 Impact of Image of the Institute 4.5.2 Impact of Marketing Activities 4.5.3 Impact of Resources and Facities of the Institute 4.5.4 Impact of Culture Impact of Policies and Procedures Impact of Classroom Teaching Methods 4.5.5 Impact of Placement and Campus Recruitment 4.5.6 Impact of Financial Support 4 .5.7 Impact of Research Funding Available to the Institute 4.5.8 Impact of Location of the Institute Chapter 5: Conclusions 5.1 Summary of Research Findings 5.2 Limitations of Research Scope for Future Research List of Figures and Tables Figure 1: Parental Influence Figure 2: Impact of Parental Guidance Figure 3: Impact of Culture Figure 4: Impact of Socal and Gender Sterotypes Figure 5: Impact of Anxiety Levels Figure 6: Impact of Life View Figure 7: Awareness of Life’s Aims Figure 8: Ability to Gather the Information Figure 9: Ability to Analyse the Information Figure 10: Awareness of Interests and Aptitude Figure 11: Impact of Personality Factors Figure12: Impact of Image of Institute Figure 13: Impact of Marketing and Promotional Activities Figure 14: Impact of Resources and... The current research is aimed to assess the important factors which influence the postgraduate students in management to determine their career choices. The research was conducted among 40 management students who were selected in a random manner from the management course in X institute. The research was conducted using quantitative survey questionnaire that was sent and collected using emails. It was found that Promotional Activities of the Institute, Image of the Institute, Placements and Alumni record of the institute and Resources and Facilities of the Institute comprised of the most important factors that were used by the students to assess their career choices. In addition, internal factors like parental influence, awareness of life aims and interests, parental guidance and culture were found to be importance influencers in the career decision-makig process. The research also found that factors like image of the institute is greately influenced by parental guidance, parental in fluence and culture, and importance of placement record as a criteria of career choice is highly correlated with both family and personal interest and self-identity factors. The research analyses the findings with the aim of filling the gaps in the available research and providing further inspiration for future research in the same area.Higher Educational Institutes (HEI) are facing an increased competition in terms of getting governmental or private funding for research and also suffer from a dwindling application numbers from students

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Domestic Violence and Culture Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Domestic Violence and Culture - Coursework Example In our daily lives, the occurrence of situations of domestic violence is often because of the presence of our diverse cultural identities (Freeman, 2008). Despite the fact that domestic violence is universal, an individual’s cultural upbringing is what will influence how the abuse in a domestic relationship will being handled. Traditions and culture provide families, individuals and domestic unions with strength. Our cultural upbringing affects our beliefs, behaviours, values and how we deal situations of conflict in our daily lives. Besides, our religion, ethnic group, economic background and cultural considerations are all the contributing factors that determine how we deal with disagreements in families. Culture influences our principles, traditions, beliefs and guides the way we behave or react. While culture may be the force that strengthen and unite families, it is may also lead to obstacles that prevent couples from amicably resolving domestic issues without resorting to violence. The peer-reviewed article I identified is â€Å"Beyond Behavioural Adjustments: How Determinants of Contemporary Caribbean Masculinities stop Efforts to Eliminate Domestic Violence†. The journal focused its study on the complexity evident in the Caribbean men behaviour as determined by their social life and culture. The article identified a scenario that is depressing to them that included: unavailability of education opportunities, seasonal unemployment, and the tendency towards abusing females. The above disparities formed a culture that harboured men who perpetrated domestic violence directed to women. What spread are the incidences of violence directed to the female gender was the reason that males felt more masculine and the urge to prove or demonstrate it (Haniff &Hill, 1995). The article identified correctly that the Caribbean had a history of its men asserting their

Monday, October 14, 2019

Wi-fi Wireless Technology

Wi-fi Wireless Technology Business data network and telecommunications Wi-fi has entered in to our lives some years now. It solves some problems that wire networks have but generate new. At the moment there are few advantages and a lot of disadvantages. Wi-fi can be very useful in many cases and I think it deserves a deep look in to it. Also wi-fi has many prospects for further development. Wi-fi needs specified devices in order to work properly. History The term wi-fi (wireless fidelity) is used in order to determine the appliances that are based on specification IEEE 802.11 and faction of ISM band, that is frequencies 2.4Ghz for Europe .Wi-Fi uses single carrier DSSS (direct sequence spread spectrum) radio technology but also multi-carrier OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) radio technology. These regulations that enabled the development of Wi-Fi, are HomeRF, and Bluetooth. Unlicensed spread spectrum was available for first time by the Federal Communications Commission in 1985 and the FCC regulations were copied later with some changes in other countries and made the use of this technology enable in all major countries. Michael Marcus of the FCC staff proposed the FCC action in 1980 and the subsequent regulatory action in 5 more years. It was part of a proposal to allow civil use of spread spectrum technology and was opposed by the mainstream equipment manufacturers and many radio system operators. (Federal Communications Commission. 1985). The Wi-Fi was invented in 1991 by NCR Corporation/ATT. Initially the use was for cashier systems. The first wireless products that were brought on the market was under the name â€Å"WaveLAN† with speeds of 1 Mbit/s up to 2 Mbit/s. Vic Hayes, was involved in designing standards such as IEEE 802.11b, and 802.11a. He has been named as â€Å"the father of Wi-fi†. (Vic Hayes at 1st Home Networking Conference, 2007). Uses A device with Wi-Fi enabled, such as a PC, PDA, cell phone, game console, or MP3 player can connect to the Internet within the range of a wireless network connected to the Internet (Access point). The interconnection between one or more access points in a certain area is called a hotspot. Hotspots can cover a single room up to many squares covered by overlapping access points. The devices can network each other and connect to the Internet, share files and digital cameras can transfer video wirelessly. Wi-Fi also allows devices to connect directly with each other (peer-to-peer mode). This connectivity mode is useful most in gaming applications. When the technology released in the market there were many problems because consumers were not sure if the products from companies would work together. The Wi-Fi Alliance began as a community to solve this and to address the needs of the end user and allow the technology to mature. The Alliance created the branding Wi-Fi CERTIFIED to show to the consumers that products are interoperable with other products displaying the same branding. (Wi-fi alliance, 2000). Routers and Wi-Fi access points are used most in homes to provide Internet access and networking to all devices that are connected wirelessly or by cables into them. Devices can also be connected in ad-hoc mode for client-to-client connections without using a router. In Business and industrial environments, as increasing the number of Wi-Fi access points we get faster roaming and increased network capacity by creating smaller cells or by using more channels. Wi-Fi can enable wireless voice applications such as WVOIP. Wi-Fi installations can provide a secure computer network, firewall, DHCP server and other functions. In addition to home and office use, Wi-Fi is publicly available also at Wi-Fi hotspots provided either free of charge or under a certain price. Sometimes free Wi-Fi is provided by organizations or authorities who wish to promote business in their area. Metropolitan-wide WiFi (Mu-Fi) already has more than 300 projects in process. (Muniwireless, 2007). Standard devices Wireless access points can connect wireless devices to a wired LAN. An access point is something like an Ethernet hub, relaying data between the connected devices. Wireless adapters are connecting in the devices, externally or internally such as usb, pci and allow devices to connect to the wireless network. Wireless routers integrate a firmware application that provides IP Routing, NAT, and DNS forwarding through an interface. Wireless range extenders (repeaters) can extend the range of the wireless network. Ig the repeaters are placed in the area smart then the signal can be excellent. The devices that are connected through repeaters may have an increased latency for each hop. Each device will get signal from the device that gives better signal. With wireless bridges we can connect two or more networks between them. This is different from an access point because an access point works at the data-link layer. We can use two wireless bridges when a wired connection may be unavailable, such as a connection between two separate buildings. Most devices (routers, access points, bridges, repeaters) are designed for home or business environments. Pci cards use antenna connectors and usb only have internal antennas while some have external connections in addition to an internal antenna. In laptops it is commonly used mini pci cards. In a network between two buildings that the distance is a matter it is usually used big antennas in the roof of the buildings, so the signal can be remain strong enough. Advantages of Wi-Fi Wi-Fi allows LANs to be deployed while it reduces the cost of the network deployment. WLANS can be hosted in areas that cannot be run by cables, such as outdoor areas or even historical buildings. The prices for wireless products continue to drop, making it a fair networking option. Wi-Fi has become widespread and more and more devices obtain wi-fi technology. Wi-Fi is a global set of standards. Products designated as Wi-Fi Certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance are backwards inter-operable. Except mobile phones, any device with wi-fi standard will work anywhere in the world. Wi-Fi use WPA encryption and it is not easily cracked if the passwords are strong enough. Nowadays it is used WPA2 also, an encryption that has no known weaknesses. A new protocol for Qos is WMM and makes Wi-Fi better for voice, video applications, and power saving methods. To make enable the WMM feature all devices in the network must support it. Disadvantages of Wi-Fi Wifi in Europe use for the 2.4 GHz band (1-13) channels, in US (1-11) and Japan (1-14). A Wi-fi signal occupies around five channels in the 2.4 GHz resulting in only 3 non-overlapped channels in the US: 1, 6, 11, and four in Europe: 1,5,9,13 Power consumption is too high compared to with other low bandwidth standards, such as Bluetooth, making a concern about devices batteries life of the. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is the most usual wireless encryption standard that is used, but shown that can be easily breakable. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA, WPA2), solved this problem and its available on most products. Most Wi-Fi Access Points have default the security disabled thought, providing open wireless access to their LAN. You can always turn on the security by configuring the device, usually via the graphical user interface (GUI) of the router/access point. Unencrypted networks can be used to read and copy data that are transmitted over the network, unless we have a security method to secure the data, such as VPN The wireless networks have limited range. A typical Wi-Fi home router using 802.11g with a stock antenna might have a range of 35 m indoors and 95 m outdoors. Range also varies with frequency band. Wi-Fi in the 2.4 GHz frequency block has slightly better range than Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz frequency block. Outdoor range with improved (directional) antennas can be several kilometres or more with line-of-sight. IEEE 802.11g-(2003) When the range increases the performance of a wireless network is decreased. Ethernet or other cables are more reliable then wi-fi. An Ethernet connection can reach speed up to 1Gbit/s and in the other hand 802.11g networks have a maximum of 54 Mbit/s. Protocol 802.11n try to improve the speeds, but still does not achieve Ethernets reliability. People with adsl2+ can understand an increase in performance using wired connection rather than WiFi. Wi-Fi in many cases has problems with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). SNR compares the level of the desired signal to the background noise. This can be a huge problem in high-density areas. All the devices must support the same protocol for example 802.11g. And in case there are other access points in the network, the name (SSID) must maintain the same. In Wireless networks there are many times incompatibility problems between brands. Different standards may disrupt connections or low speeds. The new protocol 802.11n use 5 GHz band and have more channels available. Each node (access point, repeater) on the network is able to see the communication between other devices, allowing network traffic to be easily captured. When a WiFi network is not encrypted it is vulnerable to attacks. Wi-fi is a new technology and still under development. Many people may adopt it cause it produce a non wire environment and others not. I think wi-fi will give better quality in the future and maybe it will get pass some main problem that it have at the moment. References Authorization of Spread Spectrum Systems Under Parts 15 and 90 of the FCC Rules and Regulations (TXT). Federal Communications Commission (June 18, 1985). Retrieved on 2007-12-01. Wi-Fi Alliance Certified Products. (2000) Retrieved on 2007-11-01. from V.Hayes at (November 04 2007). 1st Home Networking Conference Retrived on 2007-12-03 from Muniwireless (2007). Muniwireless-technology Retrieved on 2007-12-01 from IEEE 802.11g-(2003) 802.11g Retrieved on 2007-12-03 from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Abortion - Slaughtering the Young :: abortion argumentative persuasive argument

Abortion - Slaughtering the Young Abortion, the easiest way to fix one's mistakes. I mean, if one is going to screw around and accidentally get knocked up, why should they have to be responsible for the outcome of messing around. Why not just murder the unborn child. That is what goes on daily, slaughtering of young, innocent children, that if born, would easily find a home. What did they [the unborn child] do wrong? Oh nothing, it's just that the mother and/or father are just so lazy and irresponsible that they would rather see their child be butchered than have to change it's diaper or feed it. Society today does not respect life and therefore accepts the murdering of unborn children. A major factor that is missing is society in today's world are moral values. If people actually had morals, then abortion might not occur. No matter what anyone argues, abortion is murder, plain and simple. How could one deny that when a doctor grabs his forceps and crushes a child's skull and sucks out what was once a brain, how could they say that is not murder, how could someone get away with doing this. Then again people ask that same question about OJ. There are many abortion-slaughter techniques that are used today. Examples are the Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) where a loop shaped steel knife is inserted and the child is cut into pieces, also there is the Dilatation and Evacuation (D&E) where the doctor uses forceps with sharp metal jaws and tears the child apart, piece by piece. Usually the head is hardened to bone and must be compressed or crushed in order to get it out. Another highly controversial technique that is getting a lot of publicity nowadays is the partial birth method. This procedure in performed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy or between 20 to 32 weeks, sometimes later. Now according to Abortion: Some medical facts, a book printed by the National Right to Life, the partial birth technique is performed like this: "Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist reaches into the uterus, grabs the unborn baby's leg with forceps, and pulls the baby into the birth canal, except for the head, which is

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Effective Meetings - Essential to Any Organization Essay -- Business M

While effective meetings are essential to any organization and to getting work done, most of the meetings I attend leave me looking for a decision. These meetings also leave me tired and somewhat disillusioned on the vision of the company. I think a good meeting is not dissimilar to a football teams huddle. It should bring people together, facilitate decision making, assist people in taking responsibility, energize the participants, and contribute to building team effort within the organization. From attending and running more than my share of meetings I feel successful meetings are ones where attention is paid to three areas; content, design and process. Selection of content is crucial. At a meeting I recently attended we discussed issue...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effects of Polio on Society Essay

Polio had existed in society for a long time in history, although not as big a problem in history as in the 20th century, when greater emphasis was put on sanitation and children stopped getting the disease as babies. The effects of this disease on society were great. People feared that tomorrow they or their family members or friends would catch polio. Although polio has been significantly reduced in numbers, it still continues to exist in Africa and some parts of Asia. People are still infected with polio, and there are still global initiatives for the eradication of polio. These initiatives are not very effective as recently, in Africa there has been a controversy in Kano, Nigeria, chaired by the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero and Governor Ibrahim Shekarau, who have put a lid on the federal government’s hope to get the people of Kano to use polio vaccines from the federal government. The reason they are against the polio vaccine is that there were many contaminated vaccine being supplied there, and they do not want to risk the lives of several Kano children. Official Ezio Gianni Murzi said that while polio had nearly been eradicated globally, Nigeria had recorded an increase of 40% in cases so far in 2003 compared to 2002. Whatever the reason for this may be, at least three northern states have opposed the preventive measures against polio after Islamic leaders blamed the vaccines on being a secret US plan to depopulate Africa. Situations such as these are defering the goal of global polio eradication. The eradication is still close to being achieved, as WHO estimates that new worldwide polio cases fell to just 3,200 in 1998. Reported cases of the disease have dropped by 90% in the last decade after the WHO launched a worldwide vaccination campaign. The number of people suffering from polio around the world is now estimated to be around 35,000. But as many as 20 million people in the world are still suffering from the effects of the poliomyelitis virus. This virus causes paralysis and difficulties walking and breathing. But it can easily be eradicated because it is difficult to catch. It is only spread person to person contact and cannot live long outside the body. The only WHO region which is polio free are the Americas. But Europe, the Western Pacific and parts of North and Southern Africa have had no recent cases. They will be considered free of the disease only when they have gone three consecutive years with no reported cases. Polio can easily be rid of as a result of the cheapness and effectiveness of the vaccine. It costs only $3 per child. However, problems such as war and basic health infrastructure make it difficult to carry out immunisation programs in some countries. In August 1998, for example, the Democratic Republic of Congo was forced to suspend its programme because of the ongoing fighting. But in other countries affected by war temporary ceasefires have been held so health workers can carry out immunisation programmes. Another problem, apparently in South Asia, is the population problem, as health workers find it difficult to contain the population.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

“On natural death” By Lewis Thomas Essay

From the moment all life forms are born, a journey is begun to the mysterious quarters of the unknown and the unexplained. It is a journey to the one place all beings are not sure of and fear the most. Whether or not it comes from old age, death is a part of the natural cycle of life. In the essay â€Å"On Natural Death† by Lewis Thomas, death is the spectacle of human and animal existence. He explores the world of death using rhetorical writing style to effectively support his idea of death. By using parallel sentences and persuasive techniques such as logos, pathos, and ethos, Thomas is able to alter the perception of the creeping demon into an exotic experience. Thomas’ use of parallel sentences creates his mood about death and why it is Nature’s job to help us through it. He points out in his essay that reading books on death causes a person to wonder how they will react when they encounter death. He seeks to assure the reader by saying that â€Å"if you know not how to die, never trouble yourself; Nature will in a moment†¦instruct you; she will †¦do the business for you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (275). The idea of the unknown creeps in the back of human thought because people are not sure how they will handle it; ergo they read books to prepare them for the unexpected arrival of death. With the use of parallel sentence structure, he emphasizes to the reader that they will be taken care of if they are faced with the grim situation by repeating the word â€Å"you†. This technique and word usage engraves the concept of death in the mind and makes the audience follow through the sentence confident that Nature will be there to assist them in the process. The road to death is a dreaded destination man and animal wish not to face alone. Through Thomas’ elucidation, nature is the mother that guides the individual and makes the journey a peaceful one. He creates his effective essay by using persuasive techniques such as pathos. Thomas illustrates that nature takes away the pain that accompanies death by telling a story of a â€Å"field mouse, at the jaws of an amiable household cat†¦with pain beyond bearing†¦all over his small body† (273). The mouse, at the gates of death, gets a shot of adrenaline, which dampened the mouse’s feeling of pain while  he is dying in the cat’s orifice. Nature has created a security blanket that covers up the excruciating pain that causes death to be an unpleasant experience. He builds emotion by walking the reader through the mouse’s painful encounter with the house cat and his experience of death. He makes the audience feel the intensifying pain covering every particle of the mouse’s body until he dies. The mouse’s experience can be explained through reason and scientific analysis. Lewis brings out another persuasive technique, logos, to prove his point of the dying field mouse. He starts by stating that at the instant the mouse is trapped between the cat’s teeth, â€Å"peptide hormones are released by cells in the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to cause no pain to the dying mouse. (274). Thomas’ use of logos brings the reader up to speed on the scientific definition of death and pain. It explains how the body reacts when faced with death and uncertainty. The author’s explanation of the bodily defense mechanism creates logic and reason for the phenomenon that occurs. Whether or not death is defined scientifically or spiritually, death is the ultimate test of the endurance of one’s character when faced with the decision to fight or flee. Thomas’ excellent use of ethos in his essay best illustrates the endurance of one’s character. He extracts a part of another essay by Montaigne to show how death can be an experience that causes a person to rethink life. Montaigne, during a riding accident, was caused to rethink the natural process of death and how it felt to come close to it. Thomas quoted Montaigne to illustrate that â€Å"in order to get used to the idea of death†¦there is nothing like coming close to it† (274). By using Montaigne’s near death experience, Thomas is able to achieve ethos. Thomas wanted to exemplify to the audience that death is an experience that is more then the end of a life, but the reevaluation of one’s current existence. With the current thoughts and experiments of death, Thomas has successfully instructed the reader toward his direction of thought. By using persuasive language and rhetorical writing style, he made his essay a convincing argument that death is a natural and exotic experience everyone is  eventually faced with. The persuasive style of writing like parallel sentences, logos, ethos, and pathos draws the reader into the essay and makes him understand the idea of death. The reader gets the impression that natural death becomes an extraordinary and exhilarating experience all beings are destined to face.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Does Higher Education Lead to Financial Success?

Does higher education lead to financial success? Some people think that people can get the financial success with a higher education. However, I believe that a higher education is not exactly accord with the financial success not only because pursuing a practical career is more crucial factor but also because all the people with higher education cannot get higher pay. To begin with, building a career is more important factor for the success than getting a high level education.I concede that people, who have a bachelor’s degree hold better career options compared those who have high school diploma; however, in a long term, by accumulating practical knowledge, people who are not with higher education can become a successful expert faster in fields, where they want to be involved in. Moreover, as they are getting practical professional know-how and pursuing a career in a long time, they will help companies financially, and also can be moved upward quickly.Therefore, people who do n’t have college degree can earn higher incomes. On top of that, college graduates cannot always get a success. Although people entrance into the university, many of them cannot find their aptitude and cannot make decision what they will do after graduation. After that, they get a job which they are not interested in even if they wander all over fields during their college years. In addition, deficiency of interest and passion for the work causes low performance and it can affect to the annual salary.On the other hand, people committing to one job tend to be content their works because they choose specific field where they eager to be involved, instead of going to college. The satisfaction and passion influence to the better performance, then people who without college degree can make larger earnings. To sum up, building actual experience is more influential to make high incomes; also, people without high education degree can get higher pay than those with higher education de gree. In this regard, higher education is not always necessary for the financial success.

Success and Failure of Loyalty Programmes Essay

Success and Failure of Loyalty Programmes - Essay Example This has led to a plethora of customer-focused programs created with the help of customer relationship management tools, to increase company profitability (Brown, 2000; Kalakota and Robinson, 1999; Peppers and Rogers, 1997). The motive behind loyalty programs is to establish customer loyalty by rewarding a certain frequency of repeat purchase by customers. As pointed by Uncles et al: â€Å"Loyalty programs are schemes offering delayed, accumulating economic benefits to consumers who buy the brand. Usually, this takes the form of points that can be exchanged for gifts, free product, or aspirational rewards such as air miles. Airline frequent-flier programs have been a prototype for many of the schemes†. However, there is no consensus on the definition of loyalty exhibited by consumers (Jacoby and Chestnut, 1978; Dick and Basu, 1994; Oliver, 1999). While some claim that satisfaction is an indicator of loyalty, others debate this point. Reichheld (1994) points out that despite be ing â€Å"satisfied† or â€Å"very satisfied† many customers still defect. In the UK, Ogilvy Loyalty Centre found out that 85 % of its automotive customers claimed to be satisfied but only 40 % made a repeat purchase, and 66 % of packaged goods customers who identified a favorite brand actually ended up buying â€Å"another brand† in the recent past. Gremler and Brown point out that Federal Express, Pizza Hut franchises, and Cadillac dealerships have been able to forecast the sales from loyal customers with more certainty.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Case Study-COMPETITION IN ENERGY DRINKS Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

-COMPETITION IN ENERGY DRINKS - Case Study Example Despite the fact that the beverage market is wide, the needs and wants vary in accordance to various aspects. Description of the industry’s strategically relevant business and environmental components People have different beliefs and perceptions, tastes and preferences, needs, and wants simultaneously. A company should not take consumer wants for granted. The reason behind it is simply that the consumer turns out to be the heart and soul of the business, without the company cannot survive. The world comprises of cultures observed to by their specific habitats and they differ accordingly from one place to another. Different geographical and climatic conditions also affect consumption parts of the consumer. A company seeking to exploit the market fully must consider reviewing the above factors for they clearly state consumer-marketing environment. The vision and mission of any beverage company must highlight the importance of customers. Since the beverages directly affect the c ustomers, the mission and vision should be encouraging such that the customers feel close to the organization. Essentially, production and delivery of the beverages will be dependent on the economic political structures of the market. A company approaching a third world country shall not apply the mechanisms of that which is approaching developed countries. A company shall have to establish clearly, the production, promotion, distribution, and strategies. Strategic planning for the above factors enables a company to reach segment appropriately and deliver satisfaction. The choice of a delivery channel should relate to the perceived costs to incur and time taken to reach the consumer. Technological advances ultimately affect the industry and a company seeking competitive advantages must perceive chance as rather an opportunity to a threat. It must study the competitor’s impact in the desired market, the various tactics, and their target customers. Evaluation of competition Ass umptions that any markets are perfect are bound to injure efforts. A company must scrutinize and understand competitors’ strong points, measure the degree on which they influence the market, and weigh them against their weaknesses. Through the realization of the competitors’ weaknesses, the company stands the opportunity to counter competition and survive tremors in the new segment. Since all beverage companies may tend to crawl in the shadows in an attempt to fish information. The company should watch closely and try as much possible to contain its information. On the idea of pricing, the company should ensure that its prices vary from those of competitors, a factor that minimizes chances of switching from one brand to another. However, it is advisable that company first wins the hearts of the customers, mainly through proper distribution and advertisement (Kotler 2009). Drivers of change in the industry dynamics Bearing that the beverage industry comprises of many pl ayers and so are the customers, the Company must be specific on which end to cater for in the segment. The company does not perform these tasks solely as there are other key players in the market contributing to its success. It must analyze its suppliers, employees, buyers, and logistics channel. Suppliers are important to the point that they bring production materials to

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Organic Chemistry Intro. to Radical Halogenation, Thermodynamics, Assignment

Organic Chemistry Intro. to Radical Halogenation, Thermodynamics, Kinetics, Radical Halogenation Cont., Alkyl halides - Assignment Example At this state, injection of energy is needed to shift the reaction. The shifting takes place from a stable state to a state where it converts and reacts to conform to other products. In contrary, thermodynamic reactions are more stable in a product’s state. This is as a result of instant occurrence of the reaction that causes shifts in the reaction without injection of any energy. Consequently, a substance whose stability is kinetic would crave to remain in the reactant form. Thermodynamically stable substances need energy for conversion from products to reactants unlike kinetic which needs the energy to shift a reaction forward. It can be therefore concluded that thermodynamic and kinetic reactions uses energy for different purposes. For instance, thermodynamic reactions need energy to move from an opposite state compared to kinetic reactions that required energy to shift forward. 2. Draw the mechanism and all possible products for A simple format for the mechanism Applying t he above concept will help you to draw the mechanism as below. Termination overall reaction 3. What type of reaction is this? Radical reaction. 4. What is the major organic product for the reaction, please explain why in details? 2-bromo-2-methylbutane The reason behind this is that in the radical halogenations, bromine is more selective but less reactive than chlorine. Consequently, in case there is a formation of a radical at one chiral centre, then the product will be racemic. The process shows that the radical is planar having equal forces. Bromine sticks itself to a tertiary carbon of degree 3 to structure into a main product. A radical of bromine adds a more stable carbon of degree three to alkanes. 5. Using the bond energies posted or in the textbook, calculates the ?HÂ ° for the reactions providing each product above. Do these values support your answer in question? What other factors must be taken into account? Initiation Br-Br 2Br ?HÂ °=192 k j/mol From the above reactio ns, 1) ?HÂ °= ? products- ? reactants = (368+343)- 343 = 368 Kj/mol 2) ?HÂ °= ? products- ? reactants = 272 -(343 + 192) = -263Kj/mol Overall enthalpy = 368- 263 =+105Kj/mol Second product 3. ?HÂ °? products- ? reactants (343+368) – (343) = 368 kj/mol 4. ?HÂ °= ? products- ? reactants = (272) – (343+192) = -263 Kj/mol Overall= 368 – 263= 105 Kj/mol The other product in this level of propagation reaction repeats itself. This confirms that the ?HÂ °= ? products- ? reactants remains constant showing that the major organic product is that of question 4 above. Since bromine experience an endothermic reaction, weakly bounded hydrogens are only removed by bromine from carbon atoms they are bonded to. The reaction between 2 – methylbutane and bromine mostly gives 2 – bromo – 2 – methylbutane and a few secondary bromides without primary bromides. The other factors that must be taken into account are pressure, temperature and catalyst. Tem perature affects this reaction if it is either decreased or increased. If temperature of this reaction is increased, the rate of this reaction increases and if it is lowered the rate of reaction decreases. A catalyst can either increase or decrease reaction depending on the type. There are those catalysts that slow down reaction rate and there are those that increases reaction rate. Lastly, for enthalpy to occur there should be constant pressure. There

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Article Critique - Essay Example It is vital to understand the methods implemented by single mothers to successfully cope with stress as mothers experiencing stress can be detrimental to the stressors of their children. Similarly, a link has been revealed that shows a correlation between the economic stress of a single mother, the way in which she responds to and raises her child, and the overall outcome of her child in regard to their own behaviors and future economic status. Understanding how economic pressure negatively influences a single mother will also help in gaining an understanding into how maternal optimism promotes positive parenting behaviors despite environmental adversity, thus promoting a positive life for the child. Another purpose that this article serves is to fill the gap of literature pertaining to dispositional optimism within minority ethnic groups, especially in relation to mother-headed homes. Very few studies have been undergone in regard to this; most studies have looked into the negative influences and outcomes of single-mother households, shunting aside the existence of maternal optimism in other families with similar structures. Methods The study began in the mid-1990s, using 889 African American children, their caregivers, and, when possible, an older sibling, all living in Iowa and Georgia. The participants of the study were taken on through telephone interviews. Data was collected between these families in four different waves, starting in 1997 and ending in 2006. Of the original 889 participants available during the first wave, only 86.7% were involved in wave two and three interviews. From this group, families run by single mothers, as opposed to caregivers, were chosen and the others were dismissed. The final sample group of the study consisted of 394 single mother families. During each interview, two two-hour home visits in a span of seven days were made to each family. The first visit involved the giving of consent, both of the mother and the children to p articipate in the study; name and locations of schools were also given, and children’s teachers were authorized to provide further information about the children’s functioning at school. The ages of the participating children varied from ten to fifteen years of age; the mean age of the mothers was thirty-five years of age. The mean education of the mothers was approximately twelve years, and the mean income was $20,689. The mean number of children per family varied between one and two. Various questions were asked of the mothers and children, each pertaining to certain economic situations or behavioral statuses. These variables would be used to measure the overall situations of the individual families. These variables are are follows: Mother’s childhood adversity, which asked eight questions to determine if the mother was subjected to specific adverse childhood advents such as a relative living at home having a serious drinking problem. Economic pressure, which measured four indicators (unmet material needs, cannot make ends meet, financial cutbacks, and no money), all dealing with the financial situation of the household. Mother’s dispositional optimism was then measured, offering yes/no questions to determine the mother’s level of optimism during times of hardship. Mother’s internalizing symptoms, which measured how depressed, discouraged,

Friday, October 4, 2019

What does it mean to be the best qualified Assignment

What does it mean to be the best qualified - Assignment Example Managers know that they would do their best to maintain their integrity once they are offered a chance for they know that they do not have many alternatives waiting for them in the market. Also, people who are not the toppers in their academic career are generally more active and brilliant on the practical side. â€Å"Testing for job skills is appropriate, although employers need to be wary of testing for attributes which do not relate to the requirements of the job.† (Rey and Mignin, 2008, p. 62). It is not fundamentally important for an individual to be pre-equipped with all the knowledge and expertise required for a particular job. What is more important for managers is to make sure that the individuals they hire, have enough spark and talent to fit into the organization as a responsible employee and develop the necessary skills in the least possible time. Such people are indeed, the best qualified for the

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Defending Mersult Essay Example for Free

Defending Mersult Essay What is justice? Is it when a person’s demise makes society feel better? Or is it when a suspect gets acquitted of all charges brought against him? Wherever there is justice there is obscurity. No matter how it is looked at, there is no real justice in the judicial system. In Albert Camus â€Å"The Stranger† the narrator, Meursault, is being trialed for the murder of a man he encounters at the beach. At his trial, the prosecutor makes much of Meursault’s demeanor and the prosecutor focuses on irrelevant information like Meursault’s failure to properly show grief at his own mother’s recent funeral. The prosecutor based the trial on events which had taken place prior to the murder. Even though, his points did not have the connection with the murder which the prosecution maintained. Therefore, the prosecutor created an unfair trial, by not giving Meursalt adequate time to speak in his own defense, bringing up irrelevant situations such as his relationship with his mother and his beliefs. Meursault was not given the chance to defend himself because of questions from the prosecutor and lack of knowledge of his lawyer. The case was rather built upon his lack of feelings towards his mother’s death and his choice not to believe in God. Typically, throughout a trial, the defendant is given time on the witness stand to plea innocence, and explain why he committed the crime. Meursault, however, stood before the judge and was asked yes or no questions. This left him with little or no time to plead his case. Before he could say anything else, he was back on his way to the jail. Meursault said, I didnt even have time to think. I was taken out, put into the van, and driven to prison (Camus88). At first he did not know what was going on, but knew he wanted to say something. Then every time he would try to say something, his lawyer would simply say â€Å"Just keep quiet- it wont do your case any good (Camus98). Meursaults lawyer would not let him say anything, and this bothered Meursault. Every now and then, during the trial, Meursault would have the urge to stand up and yell in his head, Wait a minute! Whos the accused here? Being the accused counts for something. And I have something to say â€Å"(Camus;98).This made Meursault feel alienated from the trial that was going to determine the rest of his life. The prosecutor had involved his personal feelings about Meursaults beliefs into the case, which was definitely not needed. The prosecutor had repeatedly asked Meursault about his belief in God, and eventually got agitated because Meursault did not believe in God. â€Å"drawing himself up to his full height and asking me if I believed in God. I said no. ‘Do you want my life to be meaningless?’ he shouted†(Camus;69). The prosecutor had absolutely no right to bring personal feelings about Meursalt into the case. He clearly was mad and irritated, because Meursault did not believe in God. The prosecutor was offended at the fact that, he had no belief, because of this he began to mock Meursault. â€Å"That’s all for today, Monsieur Meursalt† (Camus; 71). As a prosecutor you are there to do your job, and not to build relationships or hatred for people. However the prosecutor had allowed Meursaults views to dictate the outcome of the trial. The prosecutor went about the whole trial, asking Meursault, his acquaintances and also his friend’s personal questions about his relationships with people. The prosecutor focused mainly on the irreverent events that had happened prior to the trial. The prosecutor focused on his reaction to his mother’s death and relationship with her. Firstly, Meursault is a human being with a lack of emotions. Maybe most of the people will get freaked out or think that he is a monster, but he actually isn’t. For example, he loves his mother and care for his girlfriend Marie, but he just doesn’t have the strong emotions for them. He doesn’t cry on his mother’s funeral, he thinks marrying another girl will be the same. However Meursault lifestyle is indifferent, it’s quite hard for him to show emotions, on the other hand, because of this Meursault should not be judge. Nonetheless the prosecutor somehow found his relationship, with his loved ones to be relevant to the case, when it was not. â€Å"He asked me why I had put Maman in the home. I answered I didn’t haven’t money to have her looked after and cared for†(Camus;88). As one may see, the prosecutor had personalized the case by asking him why he had put his mother in a home. Meursault inability to care for his mother was irreverent, however because the prosecutor may had feel that Meursault is â€Å"monster† for putting his mother in a home, he wanted everyone else to have the same perspective. The case had end up focusing on the relationship his mother and how bad of a son he was to her, rather than the killing of the Arab. The prosecutor had brought the director in to witnesses, badgering the director with unnecessary questions about the relationship. â€Å"He had asked whether Maman ever complained about meTo another question he replied that he had been surprised by my calm the day of the funeral†(Camus89). As it is shown the prosecutor was more interested by Meursault lack of emotions and lifestyle. Throughout the whole trial the prosecutor was more so trying to prove everyone that Meursault was a bad son and self centered person. In conclusion the judicial system may definitely be corrupted at times and proceed unfair sentences. Just as Meursaults trial which was based on emotions of the prosecutor rather than the facts of the day of the killing. The prosecutor relied on events prior to that day, which were absolutely not significant to the ruling. Meursault’s relationship with his mother and how he had decided to proceed with his life had no connection to the trial. The prosecutor had also not given Meursault an ample amount of time to answer or prepare for is questions, it happened all so fast for Meursault. As a result, he created an unfair trial and unrelated points against Meursault. All in all the interpretation of these events, provided by the prosecution was largely unfounded.

Replication of the Stroop Effect

Replication of the Stroop Effect Abdus Azad Abstract This experiment is a replication of the Stroop effect, in which you are supposed to identify colors, where colors are in different texts. Also the name of the word when in different colors. There was one experimenter and the participants were 20 (15 females, 5 males) Hunter College Psychology 250 students. The age ranged from 19-32 with a mean age of 23.5. The Experimenter tested the participant’s in two effects and three conditions. In one effect they were to identify the word, in three conditions congruent (matching the color), incongruent (different color), and control (neutral black text). In another effect the students were tasked with identifying the color in three conditions, congruent (same color matched), incongruent (different text), and control (neutral black text). We hypothesized there will be an increase in the mean time when participants are tested in the incongruent conditions due to interference. Using a one-way repeated measures ANOVA the result of this study found that there is a significant difference in incongruent condition when participants were tasked to name the color F (1.554, 23.32) = 7.434, p= 0.0055. Using a second one-way ANOVA for naming words, the results showed no significance F (1.845, 27.68) = 0.1289, p= 0.8642. A Replication of The Stroop Effect When we focus our attention to do one task, this is called selective attention. This means to exclude any other stimuli which may cause distraction. While on the other hand divided attention is when we have the ability to divide our attention to a few tasks, sometimes while doing these tasks, it may become an automatic process which makes dividing your attention between these two tasks much easier. Automatic processing, is when you cannot control your thought process, it can be thought as implicit thinking, in other words thinking that may occur unconsciously. Automatic processing may not always be helpful, you may have conflict with automatic and controlled processing. The Stroop Effect tested how these processes worked. James McKeen Cattell (1886) had originally conducted research and found that objects and colors when compared to their corresponding words, took longer to speak aloud. He knew there was an interference with automatic and controlled processing. Even though he had already made this connection, Ridley Stroop (1935) is more recognized for work with color and words. Stroop in his experiment had used six colors and did three different experiments. The experiment’s consisted of participants reading lists of colors, on one list color was written in black, and on the other list was color written in different colored inks. They were supposed to identify the color of the words and also timed. The other experiments that he did was similar involving shapes. The way Cattell and Stroop’s research differs is that Cattell ha d concluded there was an interference between automatic and controlled processing, while Stroop’s research was more about developing an understanding as to why this interference is occurring. In Stroop’s article â€Å"Studies of Interference in Serial Verbal Reactions† he had concluded that your mind can automatically decide the semantic meaning of a word, hence when the color matched the word the time it took to figure out the color was much quicker vs when the colors did not match the word. Further replications of the Stroop test were performed, J.D. Dunbar and C.M. McLeod’s (1990) replication like Stroop also consisted of a congruent condition (words with the same color as the text) and incongruent conditions (colors don’t match the word text). They also added a control condition, the words were in a neutral color. Flowers, Warner, and Polansky (1979) did a variation of Dunbar and MacLeod’s Stroop test. They used rows numbers, the number was the same in each row and they asked the participants to determine how many numbers were in the rows. The findings by both Danbar, McLeod (1990) and Flowers, Warner, Polansky (1979) showed there was a noticeable gap in time and errors made in the incongruent condition compared to the control and congruent conditions. With their replications, we can conclude that participants in the incongruent group take more time identifying the color and made more errors Haely (1994) spoke of further research on automatic processing. An experiment was conducted on how we process words that we use frequently, words like â€Å"of†, â€Å"the†, etc. It showed that participants found it harder to focus on the individual letters of the words. She gave the participants some English text to read and asked them to circle every letter â€Å"t† that they saw. The findings showed that participants frequently missed letters that were in more common words, words like â€Å"the†, â€Å"then†, etc. When it came to less used words they were able to more easily identify it. These findings showed how we automatically process words. Words that are commonly used daily, when reading them, we see a whole entity, instead of the individual components. This way our brain automatically reads words further supports Stroop’s findings. In our experiment we will attempt to do a modified replication of Stroop’s experiment to see how our results correspond to his. We will have two groups one will be to Name The Color, and the other to Name The Word. Our null hypothesis is that there will be no significance mean difference in time recorded for participants in congruent and incongruent groups from the control group. The alternative hypothesis for our experiment is that the time recorded for participants in the incongruent groups will be significantly more. From the many studies done on Stroop Interference, mostly all suggesting that the incongruent group will take more time to identify the color or word due to Stroop Interference, this is where our alternative hypothesis has come from. Method Participants The participants of this study were all Hunter College students. There were 5 males and 15 females, ages from 19-32 (M=23.50, SD=3.80). 10 of the participants spoke English as a second language. The hours of sleep the participants had varied from 4 -7 hours (M=5.36, SD=1.02). Only one participant had reported vision problems. Ethnicity and socioeconomic status were not taken into consideration. All of the students who participated were from the Psychology 250, class that meets on Mondays Thursdays from 8:00 am to 11:20 AM. The participants will all be compensated in the form of a letter grade from the professor. Materials The testing was taken on a consisting of three conditions. Control (color of word written in black text), congruent (word was written in same color), and incongruent (color of word was different from text), the time it took to answer was recorded by the computer. The results were displayed on the screen and were written on paper with a pen or pencil. The students transferred their results into a shared excel data table which was uploaded on Blackboard. The participants completed the test in a computer lab using computers. Procedure There was informed consent and the students were briefed on the experiment with no deception. The students were all presented with the same instructions. We conducted a within subjects design, to select the order of the participants a counterbalancing method was used to avoid possible sequence effects. Each participant was assigned a number from 1-6. Depending on your assigned number you would start with a different condition. 8 participants started with the Control, 6 participants started with the congruent, and the remaining 6 started with the incongruent condition. 3 participants were chosen at a time and went took the experiment on different computers in three different rooms. Once in the room the participant closed the door, and started with the assigned condition. There was two effects, in one the participant was required to Name The Word, and the other the participant was supposed to Name The Color. Each effect had three conditions. The control condition was black colored text displaying a color. The congruent condition had both had a text corresponding to the color. The incongruent condition had a text of a color displayed in a different color. Words would display and the user was required to click the answer as quickly as possible, after one condition was completed they moved on to the next. After a participant was complete another participant shortly followed to the empty computer following the sequence previously mentioned. We chose to exclude any extreme values from our data any person with values  ± 2.0 SD from the mean Results When the participants were required to Name The Word, in the control condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1494.89, SD= 314.19), in the incongruent condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1545.93, SD=283.30, and in the congruent condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1483.74, SD= 264.03) see Figure 1. In the second effect when the participants were required to Name The Color, in the control condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1661.22, SD=248.22), in the incongruent condition the mean score and standard deviation-n was (M=17.63.41, SD=416.93), and in the congruent condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1400.78, SD=454.59) see Figure 2 . A one way repeated measures ANOVA was conducted twice once to test Name The Color and another to test Name The Word. It was found there was significance difference in mean time for Name The Color group F (1.554, 23.32) = 7.434, p= 0.0055, the post hoc analysis shows inco ngruent had a significant mean time slower at (p p= 0.8642. Our hypothesis was partially correct, our results show that when naming color there is a significant delay in the incongruent condition. While when naming the word there is no significance. Discussion The aim of this study was to do a modified replication of the Stroop effect. We hypothesized that participants would have an increase in interference with more complex tasks. In other words, the mean reaction time will be significantly higher between the incongruent conditions. The results proved our hypothesis partially correct, which was that participants would have an increase in mean time in the incongruent condition. In other words, the mean reaction time will be significantly higher in Naming The Color and Naming The Word incongruent conditions. Our result found significance when participants saw words with different colors and they were required to name the color. There was no significance when they were required to name the word. The findings were somewhat inconsistent with our hypothesis because other previous studies also showed that when the word conflicts with the ink color, people are slower to respond and they are faster if the word agrees with the ink color, (Cohen, Dunbar, McClelland, 1990). So, previous studies agree with our results. Our findings were consistent with the first and second experiment, which was done by Stroop (1935). Our results agree with Stroop’s study because in both studies tested participants in different conditions and the conditions were counterbalanced to avoid order affects. Stroop had found a delay in his second experiment when the color was supposed to be named with different words, and no significant delay in the first experiment. Our replication yielded similar results. In both studies, participants had a task of naming words of colors which were written in a different color (incongruent) and then also naming neutral words (control). Since previous research had already explained that when a word complements its ink color, it leads to the processing of naming the word and the color together and if the color and the word are different it takes a longer time of reaction or response, (Cohen, Dunbar, McClelland, 1990), we can conclude that both studies would have similar findings. Our result was also consistent with the second study done by Algom, Eidels, and Townsend et al. (2009) which found that when a participant is given the task of naming color words that are printed in color, they report the ink color faster if that color word is the name of the color rather than the name of a different color. By doing this study we were able to see that when faced with two tasks at the same time our brain responds to the immediate visible one. So, when we see the word blue written in the color green, we automatically are triggered to name the word, which is blue because that is processed in our brain first. However, if we are told to say the name of the color that the word is written in, like blue written in green, it takes a longer time because now the brain has to overcome the first step in automatically just recognizing the word, we have to voluntarily pay attention to the word and it’s incongruent color to name just the color of the word, which takes a longer time, as explained by Cattell (1886), Posner and Snyder (1975), Shiffrin and Schneider (1977) in their studies. Some limitations of this study was that the sample size was too small (N=20) so it was not representative of the larger population. There is a biased sample, the age group of the participants is fairly narrow. So the results obtained would not be acceptable to generalize the whole population. With a larger sample, the results may have varied. Also, the experiment was done too early in the morning when people are usually tired, sleepy, moody or hungry. So, their moods can have a great effect in how much time they take when testing in the three different conditions. And since, condition 3 took more attention and concentration, certain moods or hunger could have affected their concentration. Future studies should examine look at Stroop test in regards to color and color-object naming instead of just color-word naming to see if our brain works the same way for both tasks. The sample size should be much larger and there should be more variability. Also, gender should be divided equally because in our study, there were 9 females and only 3 males. Also, future studies should do the Stroop task with other different age groups and compare how one age group’s mean reaction time is different from that of a younger or older age group. References Cattell, J. M. (1886). The time it takes to see and name objects. Mind,  11, 63-65.85). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Cohen, J., Dunbar, K., and McClelland, J. (1990). 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Figure1. -. The control condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1494.89, SD= 314.19), in the incongruent condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1545.93, SD=283.30, and in the congruent condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1483.74, SD= 264.03). The bars represent SD from the mean Figure 2.- The control condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1661.22, SD=248.22), in the incongruent condition the mean score and standard deviation-n was (M=17.63.41, SD=416.93), and in the congruent condition the mean score and standard deviation was (M=1400.78, SD=454.59). The â€Å"**† represents a p